PA School Applicants Tips for Success

"Show PA Programs that you're prepared academically."


Savanna Perry, The PA Platform

Did You Know?

Statistics taken from PAEA


Of PA programs have preferences for special student characteristics


Of PA programs require a supplemental application


Of PA programs offer preferences for underrepresented minorities

Tips for Successful Candidates

We want you to succeed in your PA medical education and career goals. To help you on your way, please review our tips for successful candidates.

  • Be sure to have studied the four subjects that are required prerequisites for admission to three-quarters of PA schools – Anatomy, Physiology, General Chemistry, and Biology.
  • Direct patient care is the most important type of health care experience you can have for admissions to PA school. Volunteer direct patient care is a plus!
  • Be prepared for a group and an individual interview, just in case you have to do both during your admissions process. Interpersonal and communication skills are very important during this process.
  • Have conversations with current PA students about their admissions strategy and process, and about the PA program they are attending.
  • 97% of PA programs require applicants to write a statement. It’s important to invest time and resources into that component of your application.
  • Try to secure references from practicing physician assistants.
  • Practice your writing skills! Most PA program admissions will have a writing prompt for you to complete at your interview.
  • Take the PA-CAT
  • Explore “The Perfect Applicant” Course for PA applicants

Facts About the PA-CAT

  • PA-CAT Exam is a 240-item assessment covering 9 science subject areas
  • Administered to thousands of PA candidates since May 2020
  • Available at over 5,000 testing centers and at home through remote proctoring
  • Cost: $257 (includes the test center fee for standard administration)
  • Learn about our Fee Assistance Program.
  • Free PA-CAT Study Resources including:
    • 30+ Hours of video subject learning modules, with practice questions and quizzes
    • 3,200+ question bank for self-assessment quiz creation (9 Subjects)
    • 9 subject-specific practice exams
    • Two 120-question PA-CAT practice exams

PA-CAT Insights from a PA Program Director

Get the inside scoop on the PA-CAT, insights into the admissions process, and useful study tips.

What is the PA-CAT? Why was it created? Do you need to take it?

In this episode of The Pre-PA Club podcast, Savanna Perry talks with Johnna Yealy, PA-C, a PA program director who works in emergency medicine and serves in the Army Reserves. She was a co-principal investigator who researched the development and implementation of the PA-CAT as an extension of her dissertation work on the characteristics that predict performance in PA school.

Get the inside scoop on the PA-CAT, as well as great insights about the PA school admissions process and what goes into developing requirements.

Plus, hear from Neelima – a student who completed the PA-CAT and has some study tips and advice for doing well.

Candidate Advice from a Program Director

by Dr. Scott L. Massey, PhD, PA-C, Former PA Program Director
(Misericordia University, Slippery Rock University, Central Michigan University)

Interview Tips for PA Program Candidates

Interviews at PA programs can vary widely. Here are some general recommendations that may be helpful.

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Group Interviews – Act natural and be yourself.

Many programs require group interviews. This consists of specific vignettes in which you have to interact with other applicants. The key thing is to be yourself. Becoming overly aggressive or trying to grandstand never ends well. Pretend that you are interacting in a normal environment. Even if you are introverted, the key takeaway point is to be yourself. Be authentic at all times.

Icon for Medical Schools

MMI Interviews – Advanced preparation is key.

Some programs have multiple interview stations. These involve different predetermined scenarios or questions. Because of the rapid-fire nature of the stations, it is important to be intellectually sharp. It is always a good idea to understand everything about the PA program in which you are interviewing. The mission statement and the focus of the program’s vision may become very important. Read everything available on the website of the program in which you are interviewing.

Icon for Medical Schools

Essay – Reflect, organize, then write for better results.

Many programs require extemporaneous essays. Read the directions very carefully and answer the question to the best of your ability. Pay close attention to sentence structure and punctuation. Answer the essay using sound principles of composition paying attention to proper sentence structure.

Icon for Medical Schools
Individual Interviews – Strive for authenticity and connection.

Each program will ask you a question in which to respond. Take your time and think carefully about how you want to present your case. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of being authentic. Avoid being overly polished and responding with cliché answers. Always be humble and cognizant of the honor of being considered for that individual PA program.  Some programs use behavioral questions, which emphasize how you have reacted to situations in the past. Think about the best possible example from your personal experience.

“I consider the PA-CAT a valuable assessment tool, thoughtfully designed to serve two purposes. First, it will provide a way for students to quantify their understanding of PA-specific, foundational scientific knowledge required for admission to a PA program. Secondly, and more importantly, it will help matriculated students define their personalized learning path for future success and achievements during a rigorous PA curriculum.”

Deanna L. Denault, MED, MA, PhD

Dr. Massey’s Final Tips for PA Program Candidates

Attention to Detail

Come dressed appropriately. I have interviewed thousands of students for entrance to PA school. I can remember many students who presented to the interview dressed inappropriately. This can be a tipping point whether you are accepted or not. Dress etiquette for interview usually involves a dark business suit for both men and women. Avoid powerful colors such as red and green. Bring a business portfolio and a copy of your CV. Read virtually every word from the program website. You need to try to be an expert about that program.

Perfect Application Submission

Before you submit your application on CASPA and the supplemental application to each specific PA program ensure that there are no typographical errors. If necessary, have an editor read through your application. Most likely, you have worked with the application for weeks. You are too close to the document to know whether there are some glaring errors. Personal statements on the application with multiple typographical errors result in denial.


Study Your Profession

Read widely about the PA profession. Know the roots and the history behind your chosen profession. You should be an expert on any documents on the AAPA website. In addition, go to your individual state medical board website and read the practice laws for PAs in that state. Some programs might ask questions about the profession in that respective state. When shadowing PA’s ask about their daily practice. Know the pros and cons of being the PA. No profession is perfect. Read workforce trends and healthcare policy. A well-informed applicant will impress the admissions board.

Tenacity and Belief in Your Dream

Only you know why your dream is to become a PA. Visualize yourself walking across the stage and getting your PA degree. Being tenacious is a very positive attribute for PA program admissions committees. Be honest with yourself about your weaknesses. Your attitude must be that if unsuccessful this year you will make yourself better and apply again next year. Applicants who rise above the odds have impressed me.

“The PA-CAT symbolizes the growth of the PA-CAT profession. This exam just makes sense in reflecting the preparation it takes to get into PA school. I’m excited to see that we’re taking steps towards creating a culture for this career.”

PA Student
Physician Assistant Program

“The PA-CAT has the potential to truly prepare and provide clarity to PA students for what is to come in their didactic year. I felt this test covered so much information that I went through in my undergrad studies but what may have been a bit rusty from 4+ years ago.”

PA Student
Physician Assistant Program

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